How Do I Replace Auger Belt On Mtd Snowblower How Do You Replace An Auger Belt On A Snowblower?

How do you replace an Auger Belt on a snowblower? - how do i replace auger belt on mtd snowblower

I have a two-stage snow blower 8hp MTD (badged Snowflite), where the auger belt broke. It does not seem to have enough room to the bond between the courses again slide.

What is the best way to change this belt? Most snowblowers seem to be well built. I think I need to clear some of the transfers, but I have an idea where to start.

Thank you!


Rick F said...

Remove (the two screws one on each side), directly behind the fan section. This allows the machine to open (C). This allows you to change the belt. Be sure to tighten the belt to close again.

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