Credit Cards Just Turned 18 Need A Credit Card Just Turned 18 And Have No Job How Do I Get One??

Need a credit card just turned 18 and have no job how do i get one?? - credit cards just turned 18

I need now?


matt_cru... said...

You have two options:
You can get a secured credit card from the bank, but it takes about $ 500 to the account first and then use that money to pay and the countdown until the bank offers a secured credit card for the United Nations or
Get a debit card by opening a checking account and the Visa logo, so you have a credit card to the right, your account has funds, but may still be based on credit history

PleaseHe... said...

If you have a bank such as Bank of America and walk to the cashier and ask them how they open a credit account.

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