Stop Being Light Sleeper How Can I Stop Being A Light Sleeper With Out Taking Sleeping Pills?

How can i stop being a light sleeper with out taking sleeping pills? - stop being light sleeper

So I've noticed that I was a very light sleep, when I was a kid I used to have a deep sleep, but that's not the case today. I miss the days when someone would go around the house, and I would still be asleep. But now, when my dog or cat, always awakening (if I am the door, my cat starts scratching at the door, meow) /. its very irritating and I want to sleep longer and harder. Suggestions?


Beth said...

Melatonin is a hormone in the brain that helps a lot to be created - which is a sleep pattern.
You can melatonin pills get health food store (or even a pharmacy in the area of vitamin A). They are not sleeping pills, but complementary.
I use it occasionally (when I) sleepless nights.

The link leads to melatonin Useful Information Mayo Clinic and benefits.

Good luck!

Amanda Leigh said...

I wish I could be more useful to you, but unfortunately at this moment I am experiencing the same problem. and do not feel comfortable to continue to take advantage of sleeping pills because of the possibility of addiction and the destruction of my organs. If you come with good ideas that work, if you like the way how I want to do the same.

♥megan♥ said...

Im not really sure what I say. but I think I have alittle advice! 2 Try to do more things to occupy excersise more, not much to do to relax. then try to 2GB 2 alittle l8r bed and then will ub more tired and sleep difficulty

Cat Person said...

Try the valerian plant. It helped me! You can relax passionflower with him trying to help calm /.

Stern40 said...

You have to work cotton in his ears for me and to drink soda or coffee or alcohol.Have to stop a dark room also helps.

sparks said...

I have the same problem. I found that 1 mg of melatonin before bedtime has helped a little.

Alex V said...

Work harder, practice before you go to bed for what is really tired

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