Maple Tree Wallpaper Do Japanese Red Maple Tree Clippings Grow Into A Full Tree?

Do Japanese red maple tree clippings grow into a full tree? - maple tree wallpaper

I want a tree in memory of my grandmother, the second plant (I already have a Japanese maple.) So I want to take a cut of the first tree. If anyone can respond, if in fact be a tree?


bonsai guy! said...

Si se puede! You can just cut in early spring before bud break, dive into the clay and puet root in the soil is well drained. Keep the soil damp but not wet.

xxspeake... said...

It is very difficult to disseminate Maples J-cuts, especially in winter. The Registry is the easiest solution. I guess that's why they are so expensive.

fedupnec... said...

One of my maples J. produces seeds (small wings) above the ground near trees. Saco out w / spoon and into 4-inch pot.

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